Tuesday 8 November 2011

Critical Appraisal: The Object

This task of the unit we were told to base it on a political or something that has meaning or an effect on your own life.
I decided to base mine on the whole media called credit crunch era, or as some know it as the Recession, being as there isn't a particular demand for this it was a little hard in researching other photographers takes on this genre. I wanted to portray this from my point of view but equally not make it to personal to me and be more general so that others who view my image could relate to the story that the image is communicating.
Harmen Steenwyck 

I did look at Dutch Vanitas paintings, one in particular, I did this because I liked how the light was used to emphasise a particular object or objects and making the rest almost fade to black or fade off into the darkness. I was taken more so about the books that are used in these style paintings as it represents knowledge but when you Die the knowledge you have gained during your time on earth or time living you loose when you 'cross over' into the other side or spirit world. with this in mind I wanted to use books as a way of communicating education or a lust for knowledge or bettering oneself. Martin, my assistant for the day had the idea of using my Hod to carry to books so I now carry knowledge rather than what I used to carry which was Bricks and other building materials.

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