Tuesday 1 November 2011

First come, First served.....

Because I as many other people are in the last group, Group I, we were inducted into Colour printing a fortnight before we had to hand in our images for the interim review/deadline.
I am usually a lot more proactive than what I have been lately, this is due to everything being new and working out what's expected of me and what needs to be done and by when et cetera.
I have learned a valuable lesson from the past few weeks, when I thought (foolishly) that I was up to date and would only have to do a small amount of printing, how wrong I was.... there were many people in a similar situation to myself this then created problems in itself.

having said all of that I have brought myself a Bronica ETRS medium format camera so that I can shoot as and when I need to and not rely on booking one out from stores thus being able to be proactive once again and keep on top on my work rather than be under it.

I believe that some if not all my images have suffered due to this and because of this I'm not as happy as i'd like to have been by this stage and my images have been let down by myself which will not be happening again.

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