Tuesday 4 October 2011

Studio Workshop 5x4 format and using Flash

The above image is what Martin Wilby and I had constructed for our 5x4 workshop.
The objects that we had to photography were two colourful Buckets, we had a challenge in placing them correctly as this time we had a few issues with light control and how best to position the camera in relation to the objects, ad we had a long focal length. Because of this we had to move the camera and objects around until we obtain a sharp focus.
We also had an Electronic flash tethered to the Camera, so when the shutter released it would fire the flash off. I am familiar with Electronic flashes but I've not used one with this format of camera before, so this was a pleasant learning curve.

These are the two buckets aforementioned, after we had spent many a hour obtaining a sharp focus and going through various light meter readings to get the correct exposure for the Aperture that we where using, we checked our results with a quick disc to find that we were spot on (or as close to as we could be) this was reassuring after the time we spent double checking everything to make sure it was 100% correct.

This is how it looked on the glass screen of the camera, In the image its not correct ( I needed to move the ruler to the left ) this was used so that we could confirm or adjust settings to obtain correct exposure.

We took four images two colour and two black and white;

1 x F/32 B+W
1 x F/8 B+W

1 x F/32 Colour
1 x F/8 Colour

These where developed as soon as we had taken them, this I found a little easier as I had developed 5x4 Negatives before and so there wasn't any dramas (unlike when I developed the 120 film) As my partners Martin Wilby and Ian Wisbey had had much experience in this I helped out and Talked them through the process in the darkroom whilst standing next to them so that they knew what they had to do.

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