Tuesday 4 October 2011

Darkroom Processes

120 Roll Film negative development

After we had Shot the 120 Roll film in our first Workshop, We were inducted on how to use and the protocols that we needed to follow.

We where shown and practiced (in the light) how to load and prepare our films onto a 'Leader' so that when we place it in the machine it doesn't get caught or jammed.
I went into the darkroom having never developed this type of film before and so was a little anxious but, it went surprisingly well, until it came placing my film into the machine, I had inadvertently placed it upside down!

Luckily after I had come out Martin Wilby had gone in to develop his, when He went to place his film (the Correct way up) in the machine he noticed mine hadn't actually gone in, and so he removed mine and placed it in the right side up so a massive thank you to Martin as I would have had a developed Film but it would have been scratched due to being upside down!

5x4 Negative development

These I found much easier to develop as I mentioned before in my earlier posts, mainly because I have developed these negatives once before, and so was able to help my partners Martin and Ian.
The process is straight forward but it always is when someone tells you, it when your in complete darkness and you become disorientated that it becomes much harder.
So to remove the negatives you need to make sure that the locking tabs are away from you then you can slide the dark slide out rotate the whole unit 180 degrees then lift the little flap at the top (normally a the bottom) and feel the negative inside then remove keeping the notched side on the right with your right hand then place inside the machine.

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