Thursday 6 October 2011

Pastiches - Initial Thoughts

I am drawn to the above image by Rodger Fenton, as it reminds me of a manor house that I shot a wedding at last year.
I particularly like the cleanliness of the image, by that I mean, there is no vehicles or any kind, no telecommunication aerials, as they hadn’t been invented then, which is how I like it. It’s as if I am looking back through time, looking through or out of a window in that house and seeing the past.

This image is almost familiar to me as I used to pass this place (Seaford) on a regular basis but never thought to stop and really look at it...
The image strikes feelings of a sense of loss, and times changing, the cliff face is eroding and being reclaimed by the Sea, and once its gone its gone, just like as time ticks by we will never get those seconds, minutes and hours back again. 
The way the Cliffs are and the way that Rodger Fenton has shot this image it has a Visual pathway, the Cliffs guide you through the image from the foreground to the background or just past the middle ground.

This image gives me a sense of loneliness over looking densely  populated misty town or city from what i can see.
It's like the two trees are the last ones standing from deforestation. I have thought about doing my pastiche on this image but, I don't think that I would be able to get it right due to the many variables such as the weather as unpredictable as it is in this country and so will try a few test shots on the first one in the coming weeks on the first and maybe the second image.

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