Tuesday 11 October 2011

Studio workshop; Large Format, Own objects/Tilt Shift (colour)

This time we got to shoot our own choice of objects, so I decided to use my Mobile, Case and iPod.
I arranged them in a layered style so that I had the first Third in focus thus giving me the further Two thirds in view but slightly out of focus.

I shot this set up Four times in total twice in colour and twice in Black and White.
I shot Black and White first as a 'test' to see if my calculations and set up was correct and gave me my desired effect.

I shot Two at 180mm and two and 240mm in colour and Black and White

The above image is when Martin and I, set up the Camera to correct the distortion whilst making a image of a large hardback Book, when you look up at tall Buildings it appears as though it goes into a point. With this camera we can adjust it so that the book stays parallel, the same as if we were to make an image of a tall building only on a much smaller scale.


After the Two inital Black and White shots I developed them to see how they came out and to use them as a 'guide' to see wether or not I needed to change my F stop.

This is how the back of the Developer looks but when you go inside your engulfed in to total darkness, I had to memorise what goes where, developing large format Negatives I find much easier than 35mm or 120 Medium format Film

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