Tuesday 4 October 2011

Studio Workshop - 120 Roll Film

This is the light set up that Martin Wilby and I had set up, We were aware of the health and safety risks involved with working in a tight space with others working close by, so when we plugged everything in we, made sure that all the cables where out of sight and in no-ones way thus reducing the risk of an accident. 

Sekonic L308s Light Meter, This is what we used to ascertain the correct light exposure, this task was a little tricky in places and challenged my knowledge of light meters, F/Stops and shutter speed combinations as Martin  and I used the biggest light thus flooding our object ( a Set of Spanners) in light, even whilst we were getting a reading from the shadow areas, it was fractionally different from the highlight areas for example our readings where F/16.1 for highlights F/16.3 for shadow and F/16.2 for the mid range. 
So from these results there wasn't a lot of difference in aperture.

This is the Camera that we used during this exercise, a Bronica RZ67 This is the first time that I have had the pleasure to use one, and I must say that I'm hooked on it, I love the way it feels in your hand, even the sound of the shutter releasing is a nice sound.
Looking through the viewfinder (this is viewed from above) gives a almost 3D like image but back to front.
(Image used from http://www.bachecaannunci.it) 

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