Monday 17 October 2011

Research - Ideas for locations, Seaford head

For this I thought more about actually going to the location or there about's as i may not be able to find the exact spot due to the time that has passed and erosion taking place and constantly reshaping and reforming the landscape of the cliffs.

I had thought about going to Beachy head to do my Pastiche on this one rather than try to find the exact spot as then I could better to my own pastiche of the image.
This could prove tricky for many reasons as I would need to get the timing just right to get the lighting how it was on the day that the image was taken.
I would also have to be more aware of the tidal times as this would be a health and safety risk, due to if i got it wrong i could potentially become stranded or risk damaging camera equipment.

'Seaford Head' by Jem Southam 

The below images are possible locations that I could and may use for my Pastiche, the first image is of Beachy Head, this is renowned for a lot of suicides and may not be the right location for me to do this shoot, but I will investigate this further before writing it off completely.

Beachy head, Sussex 

This is an image of Seaford head, the lighting isn't that dissimilar from that of Jem Southams image, although this images has been edited in post production. 
This has been shot from the other side than that of Jem Southams image of the same place or as near to as possible. 

Image by Derek Payne - Seaford Head

A ariel view of Seaford Head from Google Maps. This is roughly where I would go to to locate the perfect spot for making my image. 
From the map above it looks rather tricky in actually getting to the right location and so I would have to go at least twice, once to work out what I need, where I need to be positioned and to take the important test shots.
Then once I'm happy I would go back to Seaford Head to make my final image.

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