Monday 17 October 2011

Research - Ideas for Landscape shoot

My initial Idea was to do my landscape shoot solely on Agriculture, this is not only because I live on a Farm and have done for the past 16 or so years, It's also in the media, not at the forefront but always has a story or article about crop prices, food shortages, the weather which can and does have a massive impact on Agriculture.

The second Idea was to show how landscape is being changed by urban sprawl, i.e. how villages are being engulfed by towns eating up the surrounding countryside. 
Towns becoming Cities, Villages becoming Towns and so on. This would be quite a challenge for me and also to get the right image shot to communicate the right visual language and meaning so that if anyone viewed the image they would either immediately understand or through deciphering and deconstructing the image they will then be able to understand the message that is being portrayed. 

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