Thursday 20 October 2011

Colour Darkroom Induction

Today was our Colour printing induction, this was a lot like the black and white printing that we did, although in the dark as opposed to having red lights on.
I found this fairly straight forward although I made a few mistakes along the way, firstly not closing my aperture to F/32 and leaving it at F/8 (which is what I had previously used whilst Black and White printing) after I had learnt from that mistake, I did a few test strips starting at five seconds then finishing on twenty five seconds to get a good idea of what exposure to give the image.

(from Top to Bottom)
C-0 M-60 Y-80
Five, Ten, Fifteen, Twenty and Twenty Five seconds 

A Fifteen second exposure C-0 Y-80 M-60

I then with help from Rikka, changed the settings a little, from the above to C-0 Y-82 and M-62 as the image was a little Red.

The Final print, this had come out in a good neutral colour balance although the only thing that isn't right with the image is that I didn't get the borders quite right, I still need to work on getting them one hundred per cent straight and square as this lets the image down even though its not the best image to begin with.

Second Negative

Five second intervals up to Twenty Five seconds

I had decided to try another negative, with this one, I find it a little more interesting that the last one, even though these where just to practice and be introduced to colour printing and see how the various colours colour combinations has a positive and negative effect on an image.
For example you can change the way people feel about an image but giving it a different colour cast, say a nice warm beach could have a Blue tint to it, Blue has connotations of coldness, wintery etc etc.

This one was Twelve seconds at C-0 M-60 &Y-80

This was again Twelve seconds but at C-0 M-60 & Y-75 to reduce the Blue tint

Final Print 
This time it was exposed for Fourteen seconds at C-0 M-60 Y-75

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