Monday 24 October 2011

Research: Idea for Environment project - Agriculture

My initial idea of the Environment is the shoot with the concept of Agriculture, this is because I have lived on a farm for the best part of sixteen years and seen the workings of it year in year out, and from that I have obtained a sense of how machines change and how techniques have changed over the years.

From a time when farm work was totally manual with the aid of horse drawn ploughs, and hand operated machinery.
When I think back to these times (not that I was around then) I always think of "The Haywain" by John Constable.
John Constable - The Haywain c 1821

This makes me think that times where simpler back then, how many things where far less complex than of today, even though this was some considerable time before I was born the principles of farming haven't changed all that much, the techniques have improved and become more efficient and productive, as most industries do over a period of time.

An image of what farming used to be like during the early 1900's, hard manual work, using horses as their 'tractors' 

So my concept would be to show, using my own images how farming has grown and how big it needs to be and yet still expand year after year to cope with human demand for food. Food for Cattle, which in turn become food for us whether it be for Milk through Dairy Cows or through Beef through Cattle.

This is a Case STX 530 to give you a better idea of scale the 'wheels' or tracks are just over 5' 6" high. These machines are what has replaced shire horses, and because of the size this Case can pull more than many horses and doesn't need to rest, they can go for days and days consistently with only a change of driver! so pretty much 24 hour farming.


The above image shows the how vast and massive the fields need to be to grow crops to support industries, not just local farm shops anymore, many farmers are suppliers to major Supermarkets within the UK and abroad.

With the image above you can clearly see the crops that are being harvested, and the size of the Combine Harvester that's being used to harvest them, they will do this pretty much 24 hours a day until the harvest is in, as there is a small window to when this can be cut, and weather dependant hence the need for lights so when the weather is good they make full use of it and carry on and get as much done as possible in the time available.

You can see by the image above when it gets dark they just switch on the lights and carry on, this is because time equals money and the quicker they can cut, the quicker they can plough then drill in the new crops ready for next years harvest and so being as efficient as possible to cope with the demand.

This is a very hard industry to get into and to even keep a float if your already in Agriculture, as times are changing, peoples tastes are changing with regards to meat and so meats can and are being sourced from outside of the UK which in turn has a knock on effect.

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