Monday 26 September 2011

Object: The Brief, first thoughts

When we where given this brief I did have slight reservations as to what I will come up with, after some thought I had the idea of basing my image around Redundancy. This is because I have been directly affected by this and wouldn't be here, where I am now if it wasn't for redundancy!
I had the idea of using my old work uniform hung up, thus symbolizing end of the day or in my case end of my job. After more research via the Internet and my photography books I thought about using a newspaper, the jobs vacant section to be exact, with tea or coffee next to it to represent searching for something…
I would include a watch also as this will be rather obvious as to what it means, time is ticking away, but for that moment in time it has literally stood still.

From the first 'brainstorm' I had the Idea of doing my concept around 'Redundancy' as this has impacted my life quite considerably, but not only has it affected me but quite possibly hundreds of thousands of people all over the country.

After that I had another idea on Guns, this however is a slightly awkward subject to approach in my opinion as it evolves a lot of emotion both good and bad. 
There is a stereotype that goes with Guns and I want to maybe portray them in a different light, a better light, a new way of thinking perhaps.

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