Thursday 27 October 2011

Research: John Darwell

Although John Darwell's series 'Dark Days' is about farming and agriculture, It is more about the serious issue of the Foot and mouth Disease that was and still has an effect of many farms across the land today.

Some of his images are quite graphic in a sense of death and the scale of the infection, this is what it was portraying, he was telling a story though his images.

I want to try and do a similar thing by showing how vast landscapes can be dominated by machinery or in some cases how machinery can be dominated by the vast landscape, and how big fields of crops have to be in this day and age to support human demand for food.

The above image clearly shows an abandoned tractor, left in a field to rust away into the ground, almost redundant, it's done its job and has become discarded over time, forgotten, left and untouched for many years.
I chose this particular image also as it shows a landscape with no human interaction, the only remains of something that was human was the tractor. This is how my images will tell and explain through use of visual language how you can go for days and miles and not see a single soul.

This image is also by John Darwell, but of the 'Burial Fields' of where the cattle where buried after they where slaughtered/burned.
This has more in terms of depth and visual language from my image making point of view, there is not one person or synthetic item in the image, yes the crops where farmed by humans but apart from that its all natural.

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